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August 14, 2024: League of Legends Patch Highlights – Champion Tweaks, Item Changes, and New Skins

Hello, Summoners! The newest League of Legends update has arrived, introducing alterations to champions tweaks to essential items and a brand new collection of skins. Whether you're climbing the ladder or simply unwinding with some matches this patch offers a little something, for everyone. Let’s explore the changes together!

Champion Changes


  1. Yasuo
  • Base Attack Damage is up from 66 to 70.
  • Wind Wall (W) cooldown has been reduced to 26/24/22/20/18 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18 seconds.
  • These changes make Yasuo’s early trades stronger and give him more power in the mid-game.
  1. LeBlanc
  • Sigil of Malice (Q) now costs less mana, dropping from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40/45/50/55/60.
  • Distortion (W) cooldown has been shortened to 16/14/12/10/8 seconds from 18/16/14/12/10 seconds.
  • LeBlanc’s tweaks make her laning phase smoother and let her pull off combos more frequently.


  1. Zeri
  • Burst Fire (Q) damage ratio has been reduced to 100% AD from 110% AD.
  • Spark Surge (E) cooldown has been increased to 24/22/20/18/16 seconds from 22/20/18/16/14 seconds.
  • Zeri’s tweaks are meant to dial down her dominance in the bot lane by reducing her burst and mobility.
  1. K’Sante
  • Ntofo Strikes (Q) base damage is down to 55/85/115/145/175 from 60/95/130/165/200.
  • All Out (R) duration has been cut to 10/12/14 seconds from 12/14/16 seconds.
  • K’Sante is still strong, but these nerfs make his all-ins a bit less overwhelming.

Item Adjustments

  1. Ravenous Hydra
  • Cleave Damage has been slightly reduced to 55% from 60% of total AD for melee champions.
  • Omnivamp has dropped to 8% from 10%.
  • These adjustments aim to balance champions who rely heavily on Ravenous Hydra for sustain and burst.
  1. Moonstone Renewer
  • Healing Increase now ramps up at 8% per second in combat, down from 10%.
  • This tweak aligns Moonstone Renewer more closely with other support items, making it a bit less powerful.

MMR (Matchmaking Rating) Adjustments

With every new patch, it's essential to understand how the changes might affect your MMR. The buffs and nerfs introduced in this patch can influence how well you perform in ranked games, potentially affecting your MMR. Adapting to the Meta changes quickly can help maintain or even improve your MMR, giving you a better chance to climb the ranks. Feel free to check MMR here.


New Skins and Cosmetics

This patch also introduces some amazing new skins:

  • Arcade Lux: Vibrant and lively perfect, for making a statement on the Rift.
  • Mecha Sion: Sporting a futuristic and imposing design transforming Sion into a colossal mechanical force.
  • Lunar Eclipse Akali: A sleek and dark themed skin harnessing the mystical power of the moon.

Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Changes

  • Yasuos Wind Wall now effectively blocks abilities that were previously slipping through.
  • K'Santes R ability should now work correctly near terrain addressing any issues with execution.
  • Improvements, to the minimap make it easier to track jungle camp timers at a glance.

Wrapping Up

This patch brings some exciting updates that will likely shake up the current meta, especially with the changes to Yasuo and LeBlanc. Zeri and K’Sante’s nerfs were expected and should lead to some interesting shifts in both solo queue and professional play. Plus, the new skins are a great way to show off your style in-game.

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