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Best Supports For EzReal in 2024: Top Picks and Strategies

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, thrives with the right support by his side. In 2024, these are the top support champions to pair with Ezreal for maximum impact on the Rift.

Best Supports for Ezreal

  1. Nami:
  • Strengths: Healing, crowd control, and synergy with Ezreal’s poke.
  • Strategy: Use Nami’s E (Tidecaller’s Blessing) to empower Ezreal’s attacks.
  1. Lulu:
  • Strengths: Polymorph, shields, and ultimate for survivability.
  • Strategy: Protect Ezreal with shields and use Polymorph to disrupt assassins.
  1. Yuumi:
  • Strengths: Healing, attach mechanic, and ultimate for zoning.
  • Strategy: Stay attached to Ezreal, providing constant healing and buffs.
  1. Thresh:
  • Strengths: Engage, peel, and utility.
  • Strategy: Use Thresh’s hooks and lantern to control the battlefield and protect Ezreal.
  1. Karma:
  • Strengths: Poke, shields, and mobility.
  • Strategy: Use Mantra (R) empowered abilities to enhance Ezreal’s damage and survivability.

Tips for Playing Ezreal with These Supports

  1. Communicate:
  • Coordination with your support is key. Plan engages and disengages together.
  1. Positioning:
  • Stay safe and use your Arcane Shift (E) wisely to escape danger.
  1. Poke:
  • Use Mystic Shot (Q) to poke enemies from a safe distance.

Pairing Ezreal with the right support can turn the tide of battle. Experiment with these champions to find the synergy that suits your playstyle best!

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